Treme et al.

So I was watching Treme (and speaking of Treme, I’d love to write an opera like this one day with multiple tangentially related protagonists just going about their business, but it’s a subject for a different post). Anyway, it’s the finale of season 2 and it’s Jazzfest and Steve Zahn’s character realizes, as he’s walking into the Fairgrounds where Jazzfest is taking place, that he’s out of marijuana and therefore for the first time he’ll have to experience the event while not being high, a notion that he finds disheartening.

And I’m thinking—isn’t the music enough for you? You’re supposed to be the expert and the ultimate fan of the kind of music you hear at Jazzfest—why do you need the weed? And then it hit me—perhaps this kind of music is exactly designed to be experienced in an altered state of consciousness and that’s why I don’t enjoy it quite so much as Steve Zahn’s character and other people who like it. 

So now I am thinking—next Jazzfest I just sneak in some edibles and see if this improves my experience. And if it works—who knows, I just might end up as a frontman of a funk band. Stay tuned.


Mean librettists have been mean to me


Movie music?